Stephan Licha
June 10, 2023

The Divinity School is pleased to announce that Stephan Licha will be joining the faculty as an Assistant Professor. His appointment began September 1, 2023.
Stephan Kigensan Licha comes to us from the Department of Japanese Studies at the University of Heidelberg. He received his PhD from SOAS (London) in 2012. Prof. Licha specializes in the intellectual history of Japanese Buddhism, with an emphasis on the interactions between the pre-modern tantric, Tendai, and Zen traditions, and the global history of Buddhist modernism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He has published widely on these topics, and his monograph, Esoteric Zen: Zen and the Tantric Teachings in Premodern Japan is forthcoming from Brill.
His appointment is part of our ongoing emphasis on extending our teaching and research capacities into new disciplines, traditions, time periods and geographical locales, and is made possible through the generous support of the Numata Foundation.
Prof. Licha will be teaching "The Globalization of Japanese Religions: From the 19th Century to the Present" in Winter Quarter and "Buddhist Meditation: Tradition, Transformation, Modernization" and "Buddhist Thought in Japan" next Spring Quarter.