Sightings Articles

Old Lessons for Today's Politicians — Ahmad Sadri

The epic poem, Shahnameh, a 1010 CE compendium of pre-Islamic national myths and legends, has been the center of attention in Iran—and not merely as the source of the nation’s foundation myths. Successive Iranian kings commissioned new, lavishly illu...

April 4, 2013

April Fools — Martin E. Marty

Look up April Fool’s Day or April Fools’ day in Wikipedia, no less! and no fooling! and you will relearn that this unofficial holiday is a time when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other. (It’s also called “All Fools’ Day,” so let me p...

April 1, 2013

Cats and Clerics: A Medieval History — Julian Hendrix

Across the pages of a fifteenth-century manuscript track the paw prints of a cat who has first stepped into the ink, then sought to plant itself in the middle of its owner's attention. Snapped by the medievalist Emir Filipović, the image went viral, ...

March 28, 2013

Scandal and the Dance Revisited: One Hundred Years after "The Rite of Spring" — Brian Collins

This spring marks the centenary of the infamous Paris premiere of Igor Stravinsky’s ballet“The Rite of Spring,” the scene of a music riot that saw young concertgoers primed for modernity coming to blows with booing members of the old guard. Stravinsk...

March 21, 2013

Pope and Nones — Martin E. Marty

"It behooves us to keep talking about the papal election for as long as possible. Once it's over, we're back to the federal budget deliberations, and I prefer a story in which nothing gets sequestered but the cardinals." Thus columnist Gail Collins s...

March 18, 2013

Ruth Calderon's Theological-Political Treatise — Jeffrey Bernstein

That some Israelis might wish to view the State of Israel as congruent with the traditional texts of Judaism is fully understandable. That some might wish to bring Israeli politics more 'in line' with these texts is still comprehensible. That these i...

March 14, 2013

Selma: Sustaining the Momentum Still — Martin E. Marty

"Selma: Sustaining the Momentum" was the title of a Dean Peerman and M.E.M. article in The Christian Centuryforty-eight years to the month after colleague Peerman and I joined several thousand protestors and prayers at the Edmund Pettis Bridge in Sel...

March 11, 2013

Muslim Journeys Bookshelf — K. Rizwan Kadir

Since the catastrophe of September 11, ordinary Americans have sought reliable and easily accessible information about Islam and Muslims–people who are now their neighbors, co-workers, bosses, and so on. However, an intellectual gap exists between wh...

March 7, 2013

"A Man Is Nothing Without His Name": Religious Themes in the Christopher Dorner Manifesto — Spencer Dew

In the wake of former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner's recent crimes, media attention to his manifesto, "Last Resort," has focused on Dorner's description of racism within that police department and on the disturbing madness of his comments. While "...

February 28, 2013

Christian Pop — Martin E. Marty

Commenting on "Christian Pop," if one is not at home in it, is precarious and will doubtless reveal how out of it the commentator is. So I wander in with a sense of mission. If "public religion" is the field of our notice, overlooking "trendy hip-hop...

February 25, 2013