Sightings Articles
The Muslims Are Coming! The Muslims Are Coming! -- R. Jonathan Moore
With Joseph Lieberman on the Democratic ticket, this political season may offer a chance to measure anew the dimensions of American prejudice. Another recent test of the limits of religious tolerance can be found in south-suburban Chicago. Having out...
August 23, 2000
The Last Sightings from the Public Religions Project -- Martin E. Marty
Today and tomorrow the Public Religion Project holds a summary conference that effectively completes its three years of work. Then on Friday, those of us responsible for the Project, funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, will close our office and hand...
September 22, 1999
Counting -- Martin E. Marty
Counting may not be the most exciting thing we do, and reading about counting may not give receivers of "Sightings" much to develop into editorials, talk-show topics, or lecture and sermon illustrations. But keeping track of news everywhere goes with...
September 21, 1999
Defining American Culture: Secular, Religious, or Religiosecular? -- Martin E. Marty
In the constant efforts, over the definition of American culture as "secular," "religious," or, as we prefer (though we'd look for a better word), "religiosecular," religious apologists regularly point to the academy and politics as the most secular ...
September 17, 1999
Handling Distinct Religious Beliefs -- Martin E. Marty
In our business of monitoring the press coverage of religious themes, we find that from time to time it is in place not just to make news about news but to reflect upon reflection. This we now do in reference to an important column on a neglected the...
September 16, 1999
Examining Words: Religion, Faith, and Spirituality -- Martin E. Marty
"Religion," designed to be used as a neutral term, has come to be part of a "them's-fightin'-words" debate in public. Many have noted that in the mouths of many, "spirituality" has come to mean a replacement for "religion." But a foreign visitor or...
September 13, 1999
What Is the Status of the Denomination in American Public Life? -- Martin E. Marty
Seldom have we gone sighting religion in its denominational forms. With good reason, some would say: religion draws attention today more in expressions of individualized spirituality, at local assemblies, through causes and caucuses and parachurches,...
August 26, 1999
"The State of the Arts" and Public Religion, Part 2 -- Martin E. Marty
A few days ago we ventured to do some sightings of public religion in the arts, drawing on a tenth anniversary issue of IMAGE and its "State of the Arts" symposium. Having scanned in the last Sighting the print media, let's look at other arts as ex...
August 20, 1999
"The State of the Arts" and Public Religion, Part 1 -- Martin E. Marty
Public religion, we cannot repeat often enough, is not the same thing as "religion and politics." Public religion has to do with faith and spirituality in the academy, the forum, in media and the marketplace, in the conference hall and the gallery. W...
August 17, 1999
Books: Private Religion Is Big -- and an Important Public Fact -- Martin E. Marty
Sighting "religion" and "spirituality" in American bookstores will beeasier than ever this fall. In PUBLISHERS WEEKLY'S semiannual preview (July 12), Lynn Garrett summarizes: "The sleeping giant of religion/spirituality book sales began to stir more ...