Sightings Articles

Staying at the Table in Boston and Israel -- Martin E. Marty

Sightings does not usually "do" international politics. We report on domestic implications, but the two come together more frequently these days. During a late October trip to Boston, these four headlines appeared in The Boston Globe: "Bishops Join P...

November 12, 2001

Preliminary Thoughts on Irrevocable Punishment -- J. Budziszewski

In January, we will meet to consider whether criminals may be killed. The Christian faith recognizes two sources for reflection on such questions: One is the Bible, the record of God's self-disclosure to the community of faith. The other is natural l...

November 8, 2001

Testing Faith in the Market God -- Martin E. Marty

Theologian Harvey Cox's article "The Market as God" (The Atlantic Monthly, March, 1999) puckishly and pointedly showed how much "market talk" matched theological talk, how often " the market" was being given attributes that usually were given to God,...

November 5, 2001

The Wisdom of Serpents: Religion and American Foreign Policy -- Roland Homet

The events of September eleventh illuminate starkly the distortions that hatred can bring to religious expression. Osama bin Laden and his colleagues have twisted Islam into into forms and for ends that mainstream Muslims do not support. If we want o...

November 1, 2001

Listening to Lactantius -- Martin E. Marty

Most whose lives are devoted to something other than the study of ancient Christianity have never heard of Lactantius. I had not since my Ph.D. exams forty-five years ago, and had little occasion to remember him or find him relevant since then. Schol...

October 29, 2001

The Intellectual's Responsibility and the Ambiguity of Religions of the Book, part III

In response to the events of the eleventh of September, the University of Chicago has sponsored a series of lectures and discussions titled "9/11: Its Causes and Consequences." The following issue of Sightings is the third in a series of three articl...

October 26, 2001

The Intellectual's Responsibility and the Ambiguity of the Religions of the Book, part II

The Intellectual's Responsibility and the Ambiguity of the Religions of the Book, part II: A Shared Pattern of Moral Conviction In response to the events of the eleventh of September, the University of Chicago has sponsored a series of lectures an...

October 24, 2001

The Intellectual's Responsibility and the Ambiguity of Religions of the Book, part I: The Clash of Civilizations and/or Global Reflexivity

In response to the events of the eleventh of September, the University of Chicago has sponsored a series of lectures and discussions titled "9/11: Its Causes and Consequences." The following issue of Sightings is the first in a series of three adapte...

October 22, 2001

Pat Robertson and the Rhetoric of Decline -- Andrew R. Murphy

Commenting on the September 11 terrorist attacks on America, Pat Robertson warned that "[t]he Lord is getting ready to shake this nation....God Almighty is lifting his protection from us." Citing abortion and pornography as just two practices that ha...

October 17, 2001

Words to War By -- Martin E. Marty

In the desperate search for clarity, some find it where it is not. These are the words of columnist Linda Chavez, published in the 10 October edition of the Chicago Sun-Times. "Despite what our leaders keep telling us, Islam is not inherently a peace...

October 15, 2001