Sightings Articles

Quaker Constancy — Jon Pahl

For the past month or so, partly out of fear about a coming war, partly because I've wanted to find some silence, and partly because my sabbatical research project is a book on violence and religion in America, I've been attending Sunday meetings of ...

March 6, 2003

Wheaton's New Community — Martin E. Marty

When a liberal arts college adapts a new behavior code, other local colleges and the press yawn. But when Wheaton College in Illinois, the flagship of evangelical colleges, issued their "New Community Covenant" recently, the "allowing dancing" clause...

March 3, 2003

The Varieties of Wounding Experience — Jeremy Biles

Even a cursory reading of the day's news will turn up frequent references to wounds. Whether they occur in military combat, in nightclub disasters, or on city streets, wounds are sites of heightened interest, and too often the visible reminders of un...

February 27, 2003

Religion: Front and Center — Martin E. Marty

"Is There Any Non-Religious News Anymore?" Provocative, hyperbolic, ironic? Yes. But also my assigned topic at the Journalism School at the University of Nebraska some months ago. Both university professors and journalists, as well as other media pro...

February 24, 2003

Columbia's Fate — Kristen Kearns

In the aftermath of the recent Columbia disaster, the nation mourned together. The grief of the families and friends of the Columbia astronauts was deeply personal; the loss of seven lives in such unexpected and dramatic fashion was painful for them ...

February 20, 2003

Watchword: Imperium — Martin E. Marty

Columnist Cathleen Falsani (Chicago Sun-Times, February 14) summed up what reporters almost nationwide have concluded: "For once, religious leaders of virtually all persuasions are speaking with one voice. Or pretty close to it. They are begging for ...

February 17, 2003

Showbiz Zohar — Spencer Dew

One spark of religion getting press these days is the popularity of the Jewish mystical tradition Kabbalah among celebrities. The most outspoken of this motley collection of celebrities-turned-seekers is Madonna, whose most recent music video -- to a...

February 13, 2003

The Heavens — Martin E. Marty

Andrew Greeley's new Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millennium (Transaction) finds that 86 percent of people in Ireland and only 21 percent in "East Germany" believe in heaven. Here in the States, we tend to believe more like the Irish. ...

February 10, 2003

Capital Offense — John G. Stackhouse, Jr.

First, a declaration: I am an evangelical and I am against the death penalty. Many people, within evangelicalism and without, seem to view such a declaration as a contradiction in terms. Aren't all evangelicals in favor of the death penalty? Indeed, ...

February 6, 2003

Another Witness — Martin E. Marty

Religious, theological, and spiritual justifications for starting or opposing an invasion of Iraq dominate current coverage. Most Europeans are bemused and many Americans are non-plussed by the dominance of "Evangelical" pro-war talk. Reporting on th...

February 3, 2003