Sightings Articles

Eye for an Eye — James L. Evans

The election season is upon us. The red, white, and blue streamers are out. The "vote for" whomever signs are up. There are songs of partisan loyalty in the air. The news networks are firing up their huge electronic maps of red and blue states, which...

September 16, 2004

Learning from Tariq Ramadan — Martin E. Marty

Last month, Notre Dame's R. Scott Appleby, at a seminar we led in Aspen, described his university's new star scholar, Tariq Ramadan. He expressed the importance of hearing Ramadan's voice in American academe, in open conversation with non-Muslims (No...

September 13, 2004

Supreme Court Theology — Brian Britt

College religion courses come in many varieties, with no consistency in labeling. "Theology" at one school may be called "religious studies" at another, and at still others missionaries are trained under the rubric of "intercultural studies." While m...

September 9, 2004

Sacred Grounding — Martin E. Marty

"Gott strafe [tr:punish] England, and God save the King. God this, and God that, and God the other things. 'Good God,' said God, 'I've got my work cut out.'" God spoke in doggerel during World War I. Now, when both, and almost all, political sides ar...

September 7, 2004

Poor Progress — Martin E. Marty

“Sharp Rise in Poverty Reported: Women, Children Hit Especially Hard” was the bold headline in the Chicago Tribune last Friday (August 27). William Neikirk, reporting on the U.S. Census Bureau findings, wrote: “Last year … 1.3 million more Americans ...

August 30, 2004

The Ghost of Days Past — Sarah Hammerschlag

Those Who Forget the Past, a recent collection of essays on the reappearance of anti-Semitism in Europe and elsewhere after September 11, alludes in its title to the imperative phrase that has become a Holocaust memorial mantra: Never Forget! The con...

August 26, 2004

Uganda: Growth and Conflict — Martin E. Marty

Decades ago two of the seven boys aged nine to fourteen at the Marty table were Bugandan, brothers displaced from Uganda. One is now a Pentecostal pastor and evangelist. His being there helps me focus Sightings on that nation as a case study for sub-...

August 23, 2004

Community Boundaries — Pamela D. H. Cochran

A recent Sightings essay by Dr. Alena Amato Ruggerio described an incident in which an ad placed by the Evangelical and Ecumenical Women's Caucus (EEWC) was pulled from Christianity Today after having been accepted and run. She suggested external pre...

August 19, 2004

Community Boundaries — Pamela D. H. Cochran

A recent Sightings essay by Dr. Alena Amato Ruggerio described an incident in which an ad placed by the Evangelical and Ecumenical Women's Caucus (EEWC) was pulled from Christianity Today after having been accepted and run. She suggested external pre...

August 19, 2004

The Missionary Position — Martin E. Marty

Correction 8/23: The reference provided for the Daedalus article in last Monday's column, "The Missionary Position" was incorrect. The correct reference is Daedalus Vol. 133 Issue 3. "Strange bedfellows: Paul Wolfowitz and Hillary Clinton, Donald...

August 16, 2004