Sightings Articles

Non-negotiables — Martin E. Marty

Long-time subscribers know that Monday Sightings does not "do" U.S. Presidents or presidential candidates, but this twilight moment after an election and before an inauguration provides me with another category, "President-Elect," which today's colum...

January 5, 2009

Sightings archiving

January 1, 2009

On Trust — Martin E. Marty

For the next fortnight the University of Chicago and the Martin Marty Center close down; so, while I rarely visit either of them except electronically, I'll close down, to return in 2009.  This end-of-year and holiday-greeting issue differs from the ...

December 22, 2008

The Season of Generosity — Spencer Dew and Jeremy Biles

In a December 16th column in the New York Times, science writer John Tierney turned to the religious tradition of the potlatch, the Kwakiutl Indian practice of ceremonial giving, with the aim of addressing our own economic "hard times."  "Now that we...

December 18, 2008

The Mimetic Principle — Martin E. Marty

"The mimetic principle," most developed by René Girard, today captures the attention of psychologists, literary critics, war-and-peace makers, and experts in many disciplines. It builds on the desires and behavior of humans who see something they and...

December 15, 2008

Navigating the Waters of Interfaith Activity — Matthew Weiner and Matthew Dunbar

When liberal religious groups work together, it is assured that they agree on one thing: proselytizing is against the rules.  The history of Christian evangelism has led to extreme sensitivity on this issue, especially amongst Jews, Buddhists, and Hi...

December 11, 2008

Catholic Creativity — Martin E. Marty

With Catholics, Catholicism, Roman Catholics, the Church, and the Catholic bloc having played ill-defined and indeterminate roles in the November election, the one-fourth of the American population that they make up is ripe for assessment.  A brillia...

December 8, 2008

God and Man at Yale

The Commons at Yale University looked like a cross between Hogwarts and Medina.  Over five hundred students, staff, and faculty had gathered for a university-wide iftar, the meal where Muslims break their dawn-to-dusk fast during the month of Ramadan...

December 4, 2008

Opinions on the Financial Crisis — Martin E. Marty

Last week we sighted post-election themes in the conservative religious magazine World. This week, we do the same in a liberal opinion journal, the doughty and durable Sojourners (December). Its focus is less on the aftermath of the election and more...

December 1, 2008

Politics and Inerrancy — Martin E. Marty

"From a perspective committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God," the biweekly glossy World(November 15/22) asks at almost issue-length what went wrong with the Republicans in the recent elections.  To the editors' credit, they do not spend mu...

November 24, 2008