Sightings Articles

The Myth of the Myth of Freedom -- Martin E. Marty

Two running and highly visible examples of religious groups under governmental investigation or court summons are Islamic charities, which may or may not be funneling funds to terrorist groups, and Catholic dioceses, which may or may not be guilty of...

April 22, 2002

Living in Glass Houses -- Martin E. Marty

Scandal Brings Out the Bigots: Sex Charges Just an Excuse to Revel in Anti-Catholicism." That headlines the April 12 column of sociologist, novelist, columnist, and friend Father Andrew Greeley in the Chicago Sun-Times and elsewhere. Yes, there is a ...

April 15, 2002

A Spreading Conflict -- Martin E. Marty

The escalating belligerence on both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has caused alliances to shift and solidify. Suicide ttacks on Israel bring partisan Jews into at least temporary alliances. Israeli military attacks on Palestinians bring M...

April 8, 2002

The Translation Sensation -- Martin E. Marty

Devoting two whole pages of the March 27 USA Today to arguments over Bible translations, as Cathy Lynn Grossman and her editors did this Holy Week, might have seemed like a drab choice to people who live any distance from church conflicts. Those who ...

April 1, 2002

Of Faith and Sacrifice . . . Flies -- Martin E. Marty

April Fool's Day is still a week off, but I am in the mood for a day off today. Pedophilia. Anti-Semitism. Al-Qaeda. Recent front-page words relating to religion deal overwhelmingly with devastations. So we turn for a moment to a more positive experi...

March 24, 2002

America the Shmoo -- Martin E. Marty

Cathy Grossman's story in the March 7 edition of USA Today carried the headline: "Charting Unchurched America: 14% profess no religion. For them, spirituality is found elsewhere." Grossman was reporting on assessments by American Religious Identity S...

March 18, 2002

Meaningful Judaism, Meaningful Challenges -- Martin E. Marty

Judaism is not all and only about war in Israel, controversy over the Nixon-Graham conversations, and other headline items. Serious Jews ponder the fate of Judaism in "ordinary life." So the February 22 issue of Forward excerpts a speech by Steven M....

March 11, 2002

The Recurring "They" and the Truer "We" -- Martin E. Marty

There are three related debate topics that just won't go away this winter: are "they" totally evil and "we" simply good; is "their" religion murderous and "ours" benign; is "their" Book a manual and license for war and "ours" a sourcebook for peace a...

March 4, 2002

The Bear, the Bull, and the Religious Marketplace -- Martin E. Marty

Barbara Crossette's story "A Tough Time to Talk Peace" in the New York Times (February 12, 2002), reports that in New York City, Buddhism -- described as a philosophy, but who does not also find it among the religions in every encyclopedia? -- has co...

February 25, 2002

Suffer the Children -- Martin E. Marty

America's cardinal Cardinal, Cardinal Bernard F. Law of the Boston archdiocese is at a crossroads of media coverage on today's most devastating churchly topic, priestly pedophilia. Law's experience, his warm relations with the Vatican, and politicos ...

February 18, 2002