Sightings Articles

Crisis and Hope Part 2 — Martin E. Marty

Last week Sightings introduced the just published A People Adrift, The Crisis of the Roman Catholic Church in America by Peter Steinfels. Since this column is not in the book review or book promotion business, it has to regard a book as news in order...

August 4, 2003

Steinfels's Catholicism: Crisis and Hope — Martin E. Marty

If I were to choose one book to pass to those who look for a fair-minded analysis of Catholicism in the United States today, it would be Peter Steinfels's new one: A People Adrift; The Crisis of the Roman Catholic Church in America. I am going to dev...

July 28, 2003

Hispanic Correction — Martin E. Marty

The twenty-two home-delivered newspapers and many magazines that greeted me after my week-long island retreat, offered scores of opportunities for sighting religious news. I'll bypass them and return to a topic Sightings has treated several times bef...

July 21, 2003

Christian Nations? — Martin E. Marty

Europeans are having fits about the place of religion in Europe-as-Europe, and what they fight about may throw light on American discontents. In last Friday's Wall Street Journal (July 11), Brandon Mitchener in "Birth of a Nation? As Europe Unites, R...

July 14, 2003

Catholics Weekly — Martin E. Marty

America, The National Catholic Weekly, the respected Jesuit magazine, attracts Sightings for its coverage of public topics. The current (and typical) issue, July 7-14, responsibly treats clerical sexual abuse, reporting on the week the bishops met an...

July 7, 2003

Berlin Diplomacy — Martin E. Marty

The Berlin Journal of the American Academy in Berlin asked Michael Ignatieff, author of Empire Lite, Josef Joffe, publisher of Die Zeit, David Rieff, fellow at the Academy and author, and Hans-Ulrich Wehler, historian at Bielefeld, to take a look fro...

June 23, 2003

Bonhoeffer — Martin E. Marty

Barth, Brunner, Bultmann, Buber, Baillie, and Berdyaev were some of the "B" titans who towered fifty years ago, but my part of my generation cut our theological teeth on another, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. As exemplars, Catholics then had Thomas Merton, th...

June 16, 2003

Christian Orthodoxy — Martin E. Marty

Martha Stewart, Hillary Clinton, and Sammy Sosa crowded headlines last week, and there were the usual sensational religious stories of scandal to crowd out what most people think of as "religious." So, this week, let me look at a quiet, often overloo...

June 9, 2003

World Vision — Martin E. Marty

Sighting flags and bunting in the park below the window of the study where I write inspires me. Not to join the hard-line flag-wavers who measure patriotism by the degree to which one supports or dissents against what our government does, but to reco...

May 26, 2003

A Good Report? — Martin E. Marty

Next week Presbyterians will meet in Denver to kick off the denominational convention season and, as part of their agenda, vote on the findings of a Presbyterian Church (USA)-sponsored report called "Living Faithfully with Families in Transition." My...

May 19, 2003