Sightings Articles

African-American Marriage — Martin E. Marty

Robert M. Franklin, Jr., Presidential Distinguished Professor of Social Ethics at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, is emerging as a leader of the middle generation of African-American clergy. He is a former student and sometime col...

October 11, 2004

Human Rights Bedfellows — Martin E. Marty

David Neff, in October's Christianity Today, acknowledges that evangelicals, the front-liners in nineteenth and twentieth century Protestant missions, were slow to advance religious freedom in the places they served. Knowing that they needed to maint...

October 4, 2004

Editorializing — Martin E. Marty

Sightings editor Elizabeth Alvarez consulted with Professor Wendy Doniger, director of the Martin Marty Center, our host, and myself, Sightings'  Monday guest, about editorial topics and tone between now and November 2. The conversation provides me a...

September 20, 2004

Learning from Tariq Ramadan — Martin E. Marty

Last month, Notre Dame's R. Scott Appleby, at a seminar we led in Aspen, described his university's new star scholar, Tariq Ramadan. He expressed the importance of hearing Ramadan's voice in American academe, in open conversation with non-Muslims (No...

September 13, 2004

Sacred Grounding — Martin E. Marty

"Gott strafe [tr:punish] England, and God save the King. God this, and God that, and God the other things. 'Good God,' said God, 'I've got my work cut out.'" God spoke in doggerel during World War I. Now, when both, and almost all, political sides ar...

September 7, 2004

Poor Progress — Martin E. Marty

“Sharp Rise in Poverty Reported: Women, Children Hit Especially Hard” was the bold headline in the Chicago Tribune last Friday (August 27). William Neikirk, reporting on the U.S. Census Bureau findings, wrote: “Last year … 1.3 million more Americans ...

August 30, 2004

Uganda: Growth and Conflict — Martin E. Marty

Decades ago two of the seven boys aged nine to fourteen at the Marty table were Bugandan, brothers displaced from Uganda. One is now a Pentecostal pastor and evangelist. His being there helps me focus Sightings on that nation as a case study for sub-...

August 23, 2004

The Missionary Position — Martin E. Marty

Correction 8/23: The reference provided for the Daedalus article in last Monday's column, "The Missionary Position" was incorrect. The correct reference is Daedalus Vol. 133 Issue 3. "Strange bedfellows: Paul Wolfowitz and Hillary Clinton, Donald...

August 16, 2004

Learning from Tariq Ramadan — Martin E. Marty

Last month, Notre Dame's R. Scott Appleby, at a seminar we led in Aspen, described his university's new star scholar, Tariq Ramadan. He expressed the importance of hearing Ramadan's voice in American academe, in open conversation with non-Muslims (No...

August 13, 2004

Fair Treatment — Martin E. Marty

Last month, before a lecture at the Aspen Institute in Colorado, I littered the stage with clippings from four newspapers times seven days. Explicit references to religion appeared in headlines by the dozens. We long-time reporters on religion are my...

August 9, 2004