Sightings Articles

Fatherhood — Martin E. Marty

"Fathering across Diversity and Adversity: International Perspectives and Policy Interventions" is the forbidding theme of the fat, 254-page July 2009 issue of The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences (Volume 624). I am a F...

June 22, 2009

A Different Side of Chabad — Martin E. Marty

Whenever I stroll down "my" Michigan Avenue in Chicago I pass forlorn pickets in front of the now forlorn-looking Congress Hotel.  After six years I had never understood why this union is picketing this hotel.  This week's Forward (June 11) cleared t...

June 15, 2009

I Was In Prison, But... — Martin E. Marty

Sightings files bulge with clippings and printouts having to do with religion and prisons. Every year I "do" one of the sixty synod assemblies of our cosa nostra, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This year it was the Southwest California s...

June 8, 2009

Seminarians by Martin E. Marty

Having had enough of headlines and cable television about distracting commencement events, I am planning to do a small, quiet commencement one the day before you read this.  It's at a favorite school of our tribe, Wartburg Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, ...

May 18, 2009

Torture Follow-Up by Martin E. Marty

Handicapped by distance from my sources, as I mentioned in last week's Sightings, and somehow not quick-witted or schooled effectively enough to google all the possibilities, I failed and "fell through," as pointed out by an astute reader, in last Mo...

May 11, 2009

Torture by Martin E. Marty

Writing from Paris: If I were Czar of Catechetics, unlikelily appointed to help set the agenda for instruction and discussion among adult church-goers in America, I'd assign the topic of torture. With English-language print media piling up thousands ...

May 3, 2009

Population Changes in Europe by Martin E. Marty

In hours I'll be boarding a plane for secular Europe, in particular secular France, and most particularly, secular Paris.  Mixing business and pleasure, I'll be doing some accidental research, namely, observing and taking mental notes on areas famili...

April 27, 2009

One Hundred Years of America by Martin E. Marty

It is not hard to sight what I am sighting for Sightings this week, since its shiny gold "100 Years" cover is almost blinding.  I am speaking of the centennial issue of America, one of the magazines on which many of us depend for comment on both Cath...

April 20, 2009

Holiday Conflicts by Martin E. Marty

America got past the seasonal holidays and festivals relatively unscathed this month.  Such an observation may sound surprising, because one would not expect holidays or festivals to scathe anyone.  "Holiday," says definition one in the dictionary, i...

April 13, 2009

God is Back by Martin E. Marty

God is Back is the title of a richly detailed new book by John Micklethwait, editor, and Adrian Wooldridge, Washington bureau chief, of The Economist, the news magazine so welcomed at our house. I profited from reading the book, but, in our self-impo...

April 6, 2009