African traditional religions, Namibia, Himba communities, ritual practices, alternative states of consciousness, ancestral worship, spirit possession, ethnography, colonialism, theories and methodsREAD MORE
Ryan S. Bingham
Derrida studies; deconstruction, phenomenology, materialism; philosophy of religion; religion & the secular; religion, culture, & politics; religion & literature; histories of Platonic & Christian tho...READ MORE
Elizabeth Brocious
Modern and contemporary Christian thought, theological anthropology, subjectivity, religion in the United States, Mormonism, feminist thoughtREAD MORE
Rachel Carbonara
anthropology of religion; esotericism; alternative spiritualities; indigeneity; twentieth- and twenty-first-century Latin America; secularism; transnationalism; tourism; affect theory, 2016READ MORE
David Cohen
1920's Jewish philosophy, Modern Jewish history and; Reception of Kabbalah in modern Jewish thought; Philosophy of Halachah, 2016READ MORE
Christian ethics; ethics and literature; responses to suffering; the problem of evil; human agency, responsibility, and decision-making; moral imagination; hermeneuticsREAD MORE