Sightings Articles

Eschatology and Community Gardens by Colin Bossen
As the economy stagnates and concern about sustainable agriculture grows community gardens are on the increase across the United States. In many places congregations are starting them as sites for building community, creating a more ecologically sust...
October 6, 2011

Imigration and Indigenous Theology by Colin Bossen
I did not go to jail expecting to meet a theologian. But jail was where I met Tupac Enrique Acosta. Tupac, like me, was arrested in front of one of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s offices for protesting against Arizona's anti-immigrant law SB1070 on Ju...
February 10, 2011

Stephen Hawking and the Religion versus Science Debate by Colin Bossen
Despite the long-standing decline in church attendance and an increasing number of people who identify as "spiritual but not religious," stirring up controversy about, or defending, the existence of God remains an excellent way to sell books. The Gra...