Sightings Articles

Pandemic, Disability, and Worship Practices: What Next?
The debates around in-person worship services callously neglect worshippers with disabilities...
December 14, 2020

Queer Eye for the Christian Mother
The second season of the Netflix series Queer Eye was released on June 15, 2018, and the first episode is called “God Bless Gay.” Queer Eye was recently renewed for a third season after receiving four Emmy nominations in 2018. Like the earlier progra...
July 26, 2018

Disability Theology and the Healthcare Debate
Amidst many developing political news stories this summer, one of the most important in terms of policy is Congress’s ongoing attempt to reform healthcare and health insurance access in the United States. Disability rights activists have been vigilan...
July 6, 2017

The Sacred and the Sartorial by Courtney Wilder
At first blush, the blog Beauty Tips for Ministers does not seem like a hotbed of feminist theology of the body. Written primarily, though not exclusively, for women, the blog includes posts on a wide range of topics related to clergy and their profe...
January 14, 2010

The Path to Harmony — Courtney S. Wilder
The Vatican, in a recent statement entitled, "Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and in the World," explicitly blames feminism for "antagonism" and "opposition between men and women." The ...
August 12, 2004

Rainbow Communion — Courtney S. Wilder
Traditionally, Christian observation of Pentecost has recalled and celebrated the conversion of diverse peoples. The apostles preached to "devout Jews from every nation under heaven," and "each one heard them speaking in the native language of each" ...