Sightings Articles
Supreme Court Theology — Brian Britt
College religion courses come in many varieties, with no consistency in labeling. "Theology" at one school may be called "religious studies" at another, and at still others missionaries are trained under the rubric of "intercultural studies." While m...
August 9, 2004
Religion and Scholarship — Brian Britt
While national attention focused on Alabama and a granite monument of the Ten Commandments, a recent Washington state court case exposed government confusion over the academic study of religion. In Locke v. Davey, a student (Davey) at Northwest Colle...
September 18, 2003
Nietzsche and The Prayer of Jabez -- Brian Britt
Since its appearance two years ago, Bruce Wilkinson's The Prayer of Jabez (Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Publishers, 2000) has sold over six million copies and has led to the creation of a small industry -- the Breakthrough Series -- based on prayers th...
August 9, 2002
Box Cutters and Higher Education -- Brian Britt
Of the many images associated with the year now past, the one that haunts me most is the box cutter. It is such a familiar object, one that I associate with the pleasure of unpacking books. The scenes of collision, fire, and rubble are so extreme tha...