Sightings Articles

Cell Phone Theology - Brent A. Smith

I see applications for Paul Tillich's theology of culture in the most unusual places. His claim that "religion is the substance of culture [and] culture is the form of religion" reminds me to look for the deepest longings and "ultimate concerns" of h...

August 24, 2006

Liberation or Betrayal? — Brent A. Smith

We live in an age and a country that struggles to distinguish partisan politics and social policy from religious values and proclamations. The legal recognition of gay marriage, for instance, is opposed by some for violating God's will and Old Testam...

February 17, 2005

Unwrapping God's Gift to Humanity — Brent A. Smith

In a speech almost a year ago to U.S. troops, President Bush declared: "The freedom you defend is the right of every person and the future of every nation. The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world; it is God's gift to humanity." Whe...

February 5, 2004