Sightings Articles

Neuroscience and Religious Architecture — Arthur E. Farnsley II

In late April, the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA) held a workshop entitled "Experiencing Sacred Spaces." The workshop was held in Columbus, Indiana and showcased the city's fine modern architecture including churches by Eliel Saarine...

August 5, 2004

Marriage Matters — Arthur E. Farnsley II

Several mainline Christian denominations are worried about gay marriage. Should the church bless a union between adults of the same gender? Can the church bless a union that the government does not recognize? President Bush is also worried about g...

February 26, 2004

Redrawing the Line on Faith-Based Initiatives — Arthur E. Farnsley II

No matter how you interpret the separation of church and state, it is clear that the president's new faith-based initiatives cross an old, well-established line. The question is not whether religious groups can get government money: they can and have...

March 27, 2003