Sightings Articles

Reports Analyzing Issues Around the World Oddly Silent on Religion — Noah Toly

This semester, a colleague and I are co-teaching a course on Faith & Globalization. The first half of the term is a crash-course on important global issues, including poverty, environment, and urbanization; the second half considers the intersection ...

March 6, 2014

Do Evangelicals Really Like Our Planet? - Noah Toly

This past summer, evangelical pastor Mark Driscoll made headlines for his comments at the Catalyst Conference in Dallas, where he reportedly said, “I know who made the environment. He’s coming back and he’s going to burn it all up. So yes, I drive an...

October 17, 2013

The Fiction of Evangelical Friction -- Noah Toly

An April 13, 2013, New York Times article by Julia Preston reports a shift of opinions on immigration policy among evangelical Protestants in the United States.  In her article, Preston suggests that there is a division between “Evangelical leaders” ...

May 2, 2013