2022 Ibrahim Rashed Awardees
July 7, 2022
The Divinity School is pleased to announce the 2022 recipients of the Ibrahim Rashed Qur'anic Studies Prizes.
Ahmed Arafat is the 2022 recipient of the Ibrahim Rashed Qur'anic Studies Prize. He is a PhD student in the Divinity School in the Islamic Studies Department, focusing on the literary structure of the Qurʾān.
This prize is awarded in recognition of the best-written paper in Qur’anic Studies. Papers may be submitted by a graduate student who is enrolled in any department at the University of Chicago. The papers must fall into the broadly defined category of Qur’anic Studies and exhibit a demonstrable engagement with Qur’anic Arabic. This Fund has been established with a gift in memory of Ibrahim Rashed, journalist and devoted student of the Qur'an, to recognize, encourage, and foster outstanding contributions to the field of Qur'anic Studies by promising young scholars at the University of Chicago.
Alla Alaghbri, Mehmet Emin Gelecyuz, Mehdi Ali, Lien Fina, and Scott Doolin are the 2022 recipients of the Ibrahim Rashed Summer Research Grant for Islamic Religious Sciences. Awarded periodically to MA and PhD students in the Divinity School, these are intended for the study of texts related to Islamic religious sciences.