Dhruv Raj Nagar

Dhruv Raj Nagar


Martin Marty Center Fellow

I work at the intersections of philosophy, linguistics and ritual theory, with a focus on Indian Philosophy, South Asian intellectual history, and Sanskritic philosophy of language. My dissertation recovers certain unexplored intellectual contexts of Advaita Vedānta, especially Sanskrit grammar and ritual theory, in order to reconstruct the meaning and functions of non-dualist discourse across social contexts, time periods and geography. 

The Martin Marty Center will help provide a broader frame of reference for questions I am asking in my work regarding the divergent meanings and modes of engagement that the tradition of Advaita solicits from practitioners of various persuasions. Part of my work takes me to a direct conversation with contemporary Advaitic publics, leading me to evaluate the pertinence of my own work within what has always been a performatively oriented tradition and, conversely, seeing the relevance of such a dimension of praxis for my scholarly work.