New Hebrew Festschrift in honor of Paul Mendes-Flohr
September 29, 2024

A new Hebrew Festschrift for Is There Still a Place for Tiqqun Olam? A Book in honor of Paul Mendes-Flohr was released in August, 2024, by Carmel Publishing.
The collection of articles in this book seeks to illustrate the vitality and necessity of researching the thought of German Jewry in the modern era, both as a field of study that stands on its own and as a channel of thought for addressing present-day challenges. The articles aim to confront the ongoing challenge posed by reality: the need to correct the world here and now, but how? How can one advance in the intellectual space? Specifically, what role can historical research, particularly the study of modern German Jewish thought, play in contributing to this effort?
Paul Mendes-Flohr is Dorothy Grant Maclear Professor Emeritus of Modern Jewish History and Thought at the University of Chicago Divinity School.
Paul Mendes-Flohr’s major research interests include modern Jewish intellectual history, modern Jewish philosophy and religious thought, philosophy of religion, German intellectual history, and the history and sociology of intellectuals. Together with Bernd Witte, he serves as editor-in-chief of the twenty-two volume German edition of the collected works of Martin Buber, sponsored by the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and the Heinrich Heine Universität, Dusseldorf, Germany. In 2021, he published Cultural Disjunctions: Post-Traditional Jewish Identifies. He has recently published Progress and its Discontents (in Hebrew); the third, englarged edition of The Jew in the Modern World: A Documentary History (with Jehuda Reinharz); and Encrucijadas en la Modernidad (Buenos Aries). He is the editor of a series on German-Jewish literature and Cultural History for the University of Chicago Press, as well as the collected works of Martin Buber in German. His biography of Martin Buber was published by Yale University Press in 2019. He has published several edited volumes: Gustav Landauer. Anarchist and Jew (Munich: Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 2014); Dialogue as a Trans-Disciplinary Concept (Berlin; Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 2015); and, in Hebrew (with Avihu Zakai), Fields in the Wind: A Tribute to Avraham Shapira in Friendship and Appreciation (Jerusalem: Carmel Publishers, 2015) as well as (with San Berinn Sohnkoff, Special Centenary Buber issue, Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 2017; (with Michael A. Fishbane) Martin Buber: Symposium. Journal of Religion (in press); (also with Michael A. Fishbane), Martin Buber Werkausgabe, vol. 20: Schriften zum Judentum (Güterslohr, 2018) and (with Rachel Freudenthal) Wissenschaft des Judentum. History and New Horizons (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Verlag, 2017.