Hannah Jones

Divinity School Teaching Fellow in the College
Hannah is a constructive theologian and scholar of gender and sexuality whose research examines how gender, sexuality, and race shape conceptions of the human and the divine and how these conceptions, in turn, impact normative desires, spaces, and ways of life. Her work is done with an eye to detecting alternative theological imaginations that exceed these norms.
Her first project addresses these concerns through sustained attention to feminist trauma theologies. The first part shows how trauma, particularly as a site of sexual injury, becomes a central yet contested site for feminist, black feminist, trans, and queer theories and theologies. Instead of limiting an understanding of trauma to extraordinary events, the projects propose a paradigm shift towards perceiving trauma in the context of 'quotidian crises' – everyday, persistent forms of structural harm. Drawing upon abolitionist, queer, womanist, and trans theological approaches, the project describes responses to such harm through a notion of ‘resurgent grace,’ that which arrives in the everyday struggle to live and enhance conditions of livability amid experienced quotidian crises. Her next research project continues her interest in conceptions of the human by exploring contemporary turns to posthumanism. The project looks at notions of divine sovereignty and human freedom therein, adumbrating the political-theological implications for human and non-human life.
Hannah earned her PhD in theology from the University of Chicago Divinity School in 2024. She also holds a Master of Social Work from the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy and Practice and worked in college readiness and youth program evaluation before returning to pursue her PhD.