Erika Dornfeld
Erika Dornfeld is the Director of Field Education and Community Engagement, a role which involves a commitment to both academy and community, deepening student engagement between the classrooms of Chicagoland and the conversations of Swift Hall.
A resident of Woodlawn, Erika has worked among Chicago’s faith communities and non-profit organizations for nearly a decade. She received the MDiv degree from the Divinity School in 2014. During her studies here she was deeply involved in parish life and leadership, campus ministry, hospital chaplaincy, and environmental advocacy. Erika has deep experience in contextual learning, volunteer supervision, non-profit partnerships, and organizational and curriculum development, having served as program director for McCormick Theological Seminary’s Center for Faith and Service and as the Midwest Regional Program Manager for Lutheran Volunteer Corps for over five years.
In her off-hours, Erika enjoys exploring Chicago’s neighborhoods on her bike and via the CTA.