Daniel Brudney

PhD (Harvard University)
Daniel Brudney is the Florin Harrison Pugh Professor of Philosophy. He writes and teaches in political philosophy, philosophy and literature, bioethics, and philosophy of religion. He is the author of Marx’s Attempt to Leave Philosophy (1998). His recent work includes “Nostromo and Negative Longing,” Philosophy and Literature, forthcoming, “On Productivity Holism,” European Journal of Philosophy, forthcoming, “Practical Reason and Decisional Capacity,” The Journal of Clinical Ethics, forthcoming, “The Theory Rawls, the 1844 Marx, and the Market,” in Paul Weithman ed., A Theory of Justice at 50, forthcoming, “Changing the Question,” Hastings Center Report, March-April, 2019. Brudney received the 2014 Llewellyn John and Harriet Manchester Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education.
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