Work at The University of Chicago Divinity School encompasses the full range of the academic study of religion. The School generates knowledge about the history, theology, beliefs, and practices of world religions through a broad and rich array of methodological and theoretical approaches that is deeply informed, intellectually curious, and honestly engaged.
Degree Programs
The Divinity School offers the doctoral (PhD) degree, the Master of Divinity degree (MDiv), the Master of Arts (MA) degree, and a Master of Arts in Religious Studies (AMRS), as well as a major and a minor for College students.
Doctoral Program (PhD)
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program is a rigorous, interdisciplinary course of study that prepares students for careers in research, teaching, and publicly-engaged leadership.
Master of Arts (MA)
The Master of Arts (MA) is a two-year program providing a groundwork in the study of religion and its adjacent fields.
Master of Divinity (MDiv)
The Master of Divinity (MDiv) program at the University of Chicago Divinity School is a dynamic three-year curriculum combining coursework in the study of religion and the arts of religious leadership with significant field work in multiple settings, alongside ongoing participation in a cohort-based learning community that nurtures students’ spiritual, professional and personal formation.
Master of Arts in Religious Studies (AMRS)
The AMRS is designed for those practicing other professions (e.g. law, medicine, business, education, journalism, the arts), or those looking to develop a broad basis of understanding in religious studies. Students may enroll either full or part time.
Undergraduate Program in Religious Studies
for UChicago College studentsCollege students of any major may take electives in Religious Studies, and we offer both a Major and a Minor. The field of Religious Studies engages perennial questions about religion and human society. Explore numerous religious traditions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.
Dr. Johnson teaching "Star Wars and Religion" in Spring 2019
Joint BA Programs
The Divinity School offers two joint Bachelor’s/Master’s Programs with the University of Chicago College.
The BA/AMRS is a four-year program. In this program, students acquire foundational knowledge in the study of religion and its adjacent fields to be applied in a variety of professional contexts requiring a graduate degree.
The BA/MA is a five-year program and is recommended for students who are aiming for a doctorate or an academic career or who want to improve their professional competitiveness through an extended course of study.