Sightings Articles


Religion and Literature | pop culture | Thomas Aquinas | evil

The Moral Emptiness of Zack Snyder's Justice League

Understanding what makes a movie villain compelling (or not), with a little help from Thomas Aquinas...

May 3, 2021

freedom of expression | Oliver Wendell Holmes | censorship | Voltaire | Louis Brandeis | blasphemy | Prophet Mohammad | Charlie Hebdo | Thomas Aquinas | Puritans | American Revolution | Enlightenment | Second Great Awakening | John Adams | Thomas Jefferson | US Supreme Court | Zineb El Rhazoui

"Charlie Hebdo's" Haunting Question: Should We Have the Right To Blaspheme?

Geoffrey Stone's comments were first delivered in early March when he introduced a University of Chicago event featuring Charlie Hebdo journalist, Zineb El Rhazoui....

April 23, 2015