Sightings Articles

Paula Fox Z"L

disability rights | Coronavirus | Supreme Court

Pandemic, Disability, and Worship Practices: What Next?

The debates around in-person worship services callously neglect worshippers with disabilities...

December 14, 2020

Buddhism | karma | Supreme Court

Was It Kavanaugh’s Guilty Conscience, or His Karma?

Surely, for those who are aware that Brett Kavanaugh was a key architect—one of the main authors—of the Starr Report, the following was one of the richest moments in this recent spectacle of hypocrisies: “This is a circus. The consequences will ...

October 25, 2018

Church and State | education | parochial schools | Supreme Court | US Constitution

Children on Christian or Secular Swings?

Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Pauley is a grabbing lawsuit name for those of us who do “sightings” of religion in American public life. It features in a story in The Kansas City Star (see “Resources” below). The suit has to do with whether c...

October 24, 2016