Sightings Articles

Zhi sends confucius packing

Confucianism | China | morality | social activism

How Not to Be a Feckless Moral Hustler

A topsy-turvy story from the Zhuangzi shows up the limits of noble intentions...

April 12, 2021

artificial intelligence | Confucianism | Neo-Confucianism | Dao | Neo-Dao | Silk Road | East Asia | China | Japan | South Korea | Karl Barth | humanity | Technology

AlphaGo's Victory Over Korean Go-Master Showcases Western vs. Neo-Confucian Values

In a historical milestone for Artificial Intelligence (AI), AlphaGo, an updated (General) AI developed by Google’s DeepMind unit, challenged Korean Go grandmaster Lee Sedol, and handily won, 4 to 1. Go is a game with a nearly infinite number of possi...

June 23, 2016