Sightings Articles

A man carries a child holding a blue balloon decorated as the earth

ethics | climate change | parenthood | kinship

Sustaining Kin in the Climate Crisis: An Earth Day Reflection

As climate change deters more young adults from parenthood, some are finding creative and constructive ways to build relationships with children who are not biologically their own....

April 17, 2024

climate change

Is the Climate Crisis a Secular Eschatology?

What does religion have to do with climate change activism?...

October 3, 2019

Islamophobia | gun violence | hope | climate change | suicide

Defiant Hope

Ed. Note: Today's column is the third in a three-part series by Divinity School faculty reflecting on the Christchurch mosque shootings in New Zealand during Friday Prayer on March 15, 2019. Last Monday, Richard Rosengarten wrote about the challenges...

March 25, 2019

environmental justice | climate change | Pope Francis

Like Sand through the Hourglass

So Joseph stored up grain in such abundance—like the sand of the sea—that he stopped measuring it; it was beyond measure....

November 29, 2018

climate change | Paris Agreement | COP21 | Tearfund | Islamic Climate Change Declaration | Global Catholic Climate Movement | ACT Alliance | Religions for Peace | Our Voices

Historic Paris Climate Agreement Reflects Years of Advocacy by Religious People

Last Saturday, world leaders from 196 nations who had gathered in Paris adopted a historic agreement about climate change ...

December 17, 2015

Laudato Si | Pope Francis | climate change | Galileo | John Paul II | Sandro Magister | Jeb Bush | Rick Santorum

How's the Weather in Rome?

The world is abuzz with the release of the new Papal Encyclical on the Environment “Laudato Si.”...

July 2, 2015

Cory Labrecque | Lynn White Jr. | climate change | global warming | ecologic crisis | PRRI | AAR | Catholicism | Forum on Religion and Ecology | National Religious Partnership for the Environment | Catholic Climate Covenant | Creation Justice Ministries | Evangelical Environmental Network | Interfaith Power and Light | Pope Francis | 2015 Encyclical on Ecology | Pope John Paul II | Pope Benedict

The Churches Warm Up to Climate Change -- Cory Labrecque

When climate change protesters marched on Wall Street last September, their charge was to bring attention to a global urgency that requires a deep and abiding transformation of the way we think about, invest in, and relate to the environment. Layi...

February 5, 2015