Sightings Articles

Canada | repentance

"Kill the Indian in the Child"

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has verified reports and testimony by survivors—they do not call themselves “graduates” or “alumni”—of First Nations schools, whose mission had long been announced: “kill the Indian in the child.” Fol...

July 2, 2018

Canada | Catholic Church | Max Scheler | Pope Francis | Roman Catholicism

Apologies to Native People

One would expect a headline beginning “A Pope Given to Apologies…” to be followed by a journalistic story which is likely to quicken the interest of readers. Pope Francis has made many headlines over stories which focus on the recipients of such apol...

April 30, 2018

Canada | Christianity | theology

Douglas John Hall, Celebrating Ninety Years

The year 1928 was a good one for theologians. In addition to the esteemed Professor Marty, the Canadian theologian Douglas John Hall celebrated his ninetieth birthday on March 23. Hall was born in Ingersoll, Ontario; attended high school and business...

April 26, 2018

calling | Canada | faith | homelessness | mission | obituaries | Out of the Cold | Roman Catholicism | Susan Moran | Toronto

Acknowledging the Good Stuff

Obituaries are seldom a time for irony, even when the subject is known to be religious. Recent obituaries for Sister Susan Moran of Toronto, who died on December 18th, 2016, warranted a full page in Canada’s national newspaper The Globe and Mail (...

January 26, 2017