Women, Gender, And Sexuality Studies
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Maliha Chishti
Assistant Instructional Professor of International Development and Peace in the Muslim World READ MORE
Alireza Doostdar
Associate Professor of Islamic Studies and the Anthropology of Religion; also in the College READ MORE
Sarah E. Fredericks
Associate Professor of Environmental Ethics; also in the College and Committee on Environment, Geography and Urbanization; Affiliated Faculty Member of The Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality READ MORE
Sarah Hammerschlag
John Nuveen Professor of Religion and Literature, Philosophy of Religions and History of Judaism; also in the College READ MORE
Angie Heo
Associate Professor of the Anthropology and Sociology of Religion; also in the College READ MORE
Françoise Meltzer
Professor of the Philosophy of Religions; Edward Carson Waller Distinguished Service Professor in the Humanities; also in the College READ MORE
Richard B. Miller
Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor Emeritus of Religion, Politics, and Ethics; also in the College READ MORE
Margaret M. Mitchell
Shailer Mathews Distinguished Service Professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature; also in the College READ MORE
James Theodore Robinson
Dean; Nathan Cummings Professor of Jewish Studies; Professor of the History of Judaism, Islamic Studies, and the History of Religions in the Divinity School and the College READ MORE